In the story of the crippled beggar at the Beautiful Gate (Acts 3), Peter and John didn't have what the beggar wanted but they had something better; something much more precious than the money he was begging for. In the name of Jesus Christ, they rebuked his deformity and it left him and he instantly stood up and entered the temple, leaping and praising God.
Yet today many people who profess Christ as their Lord and Saviour are behaving like the lame beggar before his encounter with Peter and John. It seems to me that all they seek God for are perishable treasures. They are doing their best to be like most people to whom the pursuit of material riches and the so-called finer things of this life take precedence over Godly things.
But happiness pursued at the expense of God's Word does not satisfy. Blessed is the man or woman or child that refuses to comply with the status quo, and rolls out with holiness 24/7.
As servants and followers of the most High God, we must stay focused on the things eternal and stay spiritually hungry if we are not to let the fleeting things of this world adulterate our anointing. Nice cars, nice cribs, nice girls and all that stuff may be good but don't forget that good is the enemy of best!
If you are not careful, those legitimate things will choke your zeal for the eternal things; before you know it you're too comfortable to study the Word, meditate, pray, preach and truly shine the light of Christ.
Moreover, the Bible says the abundance of life is not in things. Things are temporal; we shall not go with them to heaven; they will pass away. Why then not focus on storing for us treasures in heaven where moths cannot reach?
God is not looking for happiness pursuers but true servants; those that worship Him in Truth and in Spirit daily. That's why it says in 2 Timothy 2:4 that no man that wars entangles himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please He (God) who has chosen him to be a soldier. Peter and John had no time for worldly things and God rewarded their commitment with something a trillion times better than silver and gold. The man who had been born lame received his miracle of healing.